Friday, March 10, 2017

Daytona Beach

Gramama's visit!
Daytona Beach

2.4 through 2.11

Beautiful people and beautiful beaches.
The weather wasn't awesome, but that didn't keep these crazies
from being in or near the water as often as possible! 😉

School in the sand!

You might notice that the weather did improve during our week at Daytona Beach,
but several of the days it was windy and cold.
The first day we were at this awesome hotel, I saw a lady "laying out" by the pool.
She had her hoodie tied tight around her face and was covered in towels, like blankets.
We chatted and laughed at her determination to have some pool time
since her family was here just for a weekend respite from cold, snowy Pittsburg.

It can be disappointing to have not-great weather when you're in a "tropical" location,
but it's all in how you frame it!
These three ladies in the photo above are great at framing it all with happy, thankful hearts.

Kindness Adventure!
Tim's mom, wife, and daughter got to watch his show!
We could not be more proud of this man.
And we're so thankful that he gets to share his talents and his heart
in this amazing way that truly impacts kids' lives.

Marine Science Center
at Ponce Inlet

At the Marine Science Center we got to touch sting rays, see rescued sea turtles, 
and watch a rascally octopus give the guide a little grief.
(Unfortunately the rascally octopus was not willing to pose for a photo.)

These tiny turtles were for sale at a tourist shop.
"For educational purposes only," of course.

It's like God hand-painted them!
Maybe sometimes he just has some fun...

...and then sometimes...???
I guess they're cute when they're little. 😜
This is a mini-golf place.  Wonder what they do with them when they grow up...??

On the way to Orlando to begin our vacation week,
we stopped at Smyrna Dunes Beach.

Next stop... Orlando!
(Yes, again.  But this time, it's to play!)

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