Sunday, May 21, 2017


National Museum of Natural History

National Air and Space Museum

Washington, DC

This magnificent beast welcomed us to the Natural History Museum.
Isn't he gorgeous!?
We love learning about elephants and how they care for each other...

It was exciting to get to see and learn a bit of history about the Hope Diamond.

Each of the kids had their favorite exhibit at the Natural History Museum.
Jadan's was the Gems & Minerals...

Jadan and Ellie lost in a sodium chloride molecule...

Minecraft minerals are real!  ðŸ˜‰

Yeah... He was pretty excited.
His hands were shaking.  ðŸ˜‰

Ellie loved the Mammals exhibit...

Guess what the one domestic animal in there was?

Brie's favorite was the Nature's Best Photography special exhibit,
highlighting the award-winning photographs...

After experiencing DC in 90-something-degree muggy heat when we were here last,
we got to experience rainy-all-day weather today.
Perfect for standing in line at the Air and Space Museum.

We saw the Mercury Friendship 7,
and then watched "Hidden Figures" a couple weeks later.  So cool!

The Spirit of St. Louis!!!
They had a great exhibition on "Flying With the Lindberghs".
I had recently read a book by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and we loved learning more about her.

The highlight for all of us here...
the actual Wright Brother's 1903 Flyer!!!

...and the Bell X-1,
flown by Chuck Yeager in 1947 when he broke the sound barrier.

We are thankful for this man...
 ...who for some reason gave us the Smithsonian Museums.
What an amazing gift!!

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