Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Three Ring Circus

United States Capitol

Library of Congress
Supreme Court
White House


The day before, parking was as easy as it could be.
Today, however, it was quite frustrating.
Perhaps that contributed to an appropriate mood for touring the government buildings...?

As we waited to tour the capitol building, we saw several statues donated by the States
to honor notable people from their history...

The tour took us to Statuary Hall,
where the House of Representatives met until the 1850's...
...and now houses the majority of the States' statues... 
There's only one statue of a person sitting...

  Washington's statue of Marcus Whitman

Montana's statue, Charlie Russell

We also saw the Rotunda,
filled with architectural beauty and symbolism and history...


I can never see this painting without hearing John Adams from the documentary...
"It is very bad history."
Even in his lifetime, he saw misrepresentation of the history of the birth of our nation.
Still, amazing to see the same painting he saw.
And that kid in front of it yawning is hilarious... 😉

Of course, the kids had to be "Bill"...

Cuteness break!

And on to the Library of Congress...

 The Gutenberg Bible

Thomas Jefferson's Library!!


Since we were in the neighborhood,
we visited the Supreme Court...

And to complete the "Three-Ring Circus," we visited the White House.

The White House is actually part of a National Park, President's Park.
We stopped at the Visitor Center, where we saw a great film and exhibits
about the place that is both the headquarters of the Executive Branch of our government
and home to a family.

Then, we strolled around the area, stopping at 
Lafayette Square to see some friends...

And, finally, we saw this cool house...

After seeing the Constitution itself
and then seeing the buildings where these ideals are put into action...
we are sure thankful for the government of this great country.

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