Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Washington, DC

Monuments and Memorials


 The Washington Monument

WWII Veterans Memorial in the background
We got to applaud WWII vets who were visiting the memorial with Honor Flight.

 The Lincoln Memorial
Jadan is standing on the spot where MLK, Jr stood when he spoke, "I have a dream...!"

 The Korean War Veterans Memorial
Watching Korean War vets have their photos taken here was impactful.
 The Vietnam Veterans Memorial

 Vietnam Women's Memorial Statue
 The Albert Einstein Memorial

Nathan Hale

There were a few memorials we didn't get to see because
parking our big rig with a Thule on top presented some challenges throughout the day. 
And it was HOT!
We were ready to enjoy some air conditioning for a while...
We did, however, get to witness our government in action while we drove around,
as several streets we tried to drive down were blocked due to this protest march.
Thankful for our right of free speech!

We were thrilled to end the day in DC by viewing
the "Charters of Freedom" in the National Archives:

The Declaration of Independence,
the Constitution,
and the Bill of Rights!!

How exciting to get to see these original documents!

And the signatures of the great men who signed them!

We saw more amazing documents at the National Archives,including
one of four surviving originals of the 1297 Magna Carta,
a letter from George Washington during the Revolution,
and a land grant document signed by Charles Ingalls.

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